Milestone M59 Successful Completion of Data Input Collection

06 June 2023

Task 4.6 of the EURIZON project has successfully completed the data input collection phase of its research.


Figure: Impressions from various beamtimes at P64 and P65, joining the Grunewald working group, KIT. Left: Different sample holder, middle: heater, right: gas mixing system.

The task focuses on the development of a generic Conceptual Design Report for an automated X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) Beamline at a 4th Generation Synchrotron Source. In order to accomplish this goal, the team has reached a significant milestone by collecting all the necessary data corresponding to the large scope of automation, XAS, and in-situ experiments. The collected data are mainly based on the presentations of and discussions during the 1st International Workshop on Automated X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy during the DESY Users’ Meeting in January 2023.

In addition to the 1st International Workshop, the task members participated in several complementary beamtimes as well as workshops and exploited synergies with related projects like PETRA IV and ROCK-IT.

The collected information comprise a manifold of insights into the details of different experimental scopes of XAS analysis (time/spatial resolution, …) and the required physical components. Further, the requirements of catalytic experiments were discussed, with special focus on gas mixing systems, sample holders, and the experimental flow chart. Finally, the challenges of different automation steps could be identified and first solution approaches were evaluated.

The project team expressed their gratitude to all those who contributed to the success of this milestone, including chairs and speakers of the workshop, beamline managers of the attended beamtimes, and members of related projects. Their hard work and dedication have been instrumental in the project's success thus far.