WP4 Synchrotrons

Collaboration with X-ray light sources in Europe

WP4 Synchrotrons

WP Manger(s):
Michael Krisch (ESRF)

Participants: ESRF, DESY, EuXFEL, INFN


Light sources are now the most prevalent large-scale research infrastructure in the world. They have become de facto components of the research and innovation ecosystem as international and national level facilities. They provide answers to key societal challenges in areas such as health, the environment, energy and communication, educate the next generation of scientists, engineers and facility managers and administrators, and contribute strongly to the competitiveness of European industry and thus create jobs and wealth. Europe alone counts some 30,000 researchers as its light source user community, covering an unprecedented range of interdisciplinary science, industry and technology.

Within Europe, the ESRF Extremely Brilliant Source (ESRF-EBS) is the first high-energy fourth generation synchrotron source that went into operation in August 2020. It is now time that the large body of experience and expertise is shared to the benefit of all the X-ray light sources in Europe. EURIZON, LEAPS (League of Accelerator-Based Photon Sources; www.leaps-initiative.org), and other associate initiative shall constructively promote and ensure the quality and impact of fundamental, applied and industrial research carried out at their facilities.

Under the lead of ESRF, the WP partners will further develop and share expertise already achieved in the first half of the project. In the area of machine physics, studies of the beam dynamics and diagnostics, top-up modes, impedance simulations, and beam emittance will be performed. Further studies will investigate vacuum chamber impedances and beam instabilities as well as linear accelerator concepts and components. A concept design for a fully automated x-ray absorption spectroscopy beamline with emphasis on industrial use in catalysis research will be developed, including the description of mail-in services, remote access, and automation. The results of this work package will be of direct benefit for the upcoming 4th generation European synchrotrons, currently under design, namely PETRA IV, but as well other SR sources that have initiated an upgrade such as Elettra, SLS, SOLEIL, and Diamond. Common aspects with FELs will be included where appropriate. The results shall be widely disseminated through the LEAPS (https://leaps-initiative.eu/) initiative, the user community, and industry.  in the frame of LEAPS. These actions will further consolidate the positions of X-ray light sources as the most prevalent large-scale research infrastructure in the world, contributing strongly to the competitiveness of European industry and thus create jobs and wealth.

Description of work
Task 4.1: Concepts of 4th generation synchrotron machines in Europe (ESRF, DESY)
Task 4.3 Vacuum chamber impedances and beam instabilities (DESY, INFN])
Task 4.4: Linac development (INFN, EuXFEL, DESY)
Task 4.5: Photogun prototype & beam diagnostics (DESY)
Task 4.6: Development of a generic Conceptual Design Report for automated X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Beamlines (DESY, ESRF])