WP5 Lepton Colliders

Joint technology development around future lepton colliders

WP5 SCT: Joint technology development around SCT and future lepton colliders

WP Manager(s):
André Sailer (CERN)

Participants: CERN, CNRS-IJCLab, INFN, JLU


  • Development of advanced electron beam technologies for electron-positron colliders, for projects such as flavour factories
  • Development of components for detectors, such as tracker and a particle identification system
  • Ensure that the already achieved results will be of benefit for the entire European high energy physics community

Description of work

Note: The numbering of tasks is not continuous due to formal reasons.

Task 5.2: Development of accelerator technologies for Energy Recovery Linacs (ERLs) and their use in colliders (CNRS-IJCLab)
Task 5.3: Development of software for the design of an HEP detector (CERN)
Task 5.4: Development and design of Inner Tracker for a flavour factory detector (INFN)
Task 5.5: Development and design of Central Tracker for a flavour factory detector (INFN)
Task 5.6: Development and design of a Particle Identification system for a future flavour factory detector (JLU)